A Prophetic Word of Encouragement in this New Year
January 11, 2022
New year. New month. New season.
We excitedly look and enter a new time with good change in mind. We should leave and part with the old and embrace the new. How do we do that exactly?
It has been said (and we’ve all heard this): “Insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results!” What do you want to change in your life in this new year? What needs to be changed? Look at what you have been doing to create that result and do something different.
We see a great example in Jeremiah chapter 18 where the Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah and said, “Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause You to hear My words.” (Jeremiah 18:2 AMP)
Jeremiah had an initial command which was to ARISE. He had to physically (and spiritually) get up and GO to the location God instructed, which was the potter’s house. We know that symbolically, the potter’s house is where God dwells. God is the potter. He is the Creator, the Molder and Shaper. He is the Maker. We are the clay. God Created us and He wants to mold and shape us into something GOOD!
We must ARISE and GO to the LOCATION!!! So…Jeremiah had to ARISE. Next, He had to GO. He has to put some effort into moving his location. He had to use some energy and muscles to transport himself from location A to location B. These were part of his instructions. He had to obey and do something on his part.
Jeremiah had a specific destination. This is the location God directed him to GO to…the potter’s house. It would not have been sufficient for Jeremiah to go to the garden or the pond or the field or the living room. He had to go to this SPECIFIC location…the potter’s house.
In Psalm 91:1, we find out more about the potter’s house. It says, “He WHO dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].” (Psalm 91:1 AMP) The potter’s house or dwelling place is where we should be dwelling as well…in the SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH UNDER THE SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY. Wow! What a place to be! What a destination! What a dwelling place!!!
When we are in this location…the secret place of the Most High…we SHALL remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty and no foe…no enemy…no adversary can withstand us when we are in that location!!!
What did Jeremiah do? He obeyed. He AROSE, and “WENT (caps mine) down to the potter’s house, and behold, he was working at the wheel.” (Jeremiah 18:3 AMP). Jeremiah obeyed completely and fully and ended up in the location where God instructed him to go.
Verse 4 goes on to tell us what happened. “And the vessel that he was making from clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter; so he made it over, reworking it into another vessel as it seemed good to the potter to make it.” (Jeremiah 18: 4 AMP) The potter had a vessel of clay in his hand. The vessel was spoiled or imperfect, in need of a change.
The potter did not throw the vessel away. He did not put the clay in the trash and get a new piece of clay to shape. The potter kept the spoiled clay in HIS HANDS. We are like that spoiled clay, but even in our spoiled and imperfect, wayward state, GOD HELD ON TO US in HIS HANDS. He didn’t throw us away as trash, but HELD US in HIS LOVING HANDS.
If you feel like you are through. If you have had enough and life isn’t what you thought it would be or you haven’t seen God’s promises fulfilled in your life, don’t despair. God has you in the PALM OF HIS HANDS. He’s holding on to you ready to reshape you and remake you into something GOOD.
If you feel like you’ve made every wrong decision and consequences are piling up, you’re still in the PALM OF HIS HAND. He loves you and you are ready to be reshaped into what God has imagined you to be.
It says that the clay was, in a factual state, spoiled and in the hands of the potter. The next word links WHAT WAS to what IS TO BE (that is really what FAITH does tooJ)! Here is the important word SO!!! SO….He made the spoiled clay OVER, REWORKING it into another vessel as it SEEMED GOOD TO THE POTTER TO MAKE IT!
Even though what looked to be spoiled, the potter transformed it into something NEW, making it OVER AGAIN and REWORKING it. He didn’t just make it in to something acceptable or just ok. The potter went above and beyond all we can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20) when working on this “Do-Over”! He made it into something that only He could imagine, as He had from the foundation of the world, when He imagined that clay transformed into the most beautiful and perfect vessel…one of His children!
If you need a change, if you need a “Do-Over”…stay in the HANDS of the POTTER. Stay in the HANDS of the MOST HIGH. Stay and DWELL in the SECRET PLACE of the MOST HIGH. It is in this location that THE POTTER will HOLD YOU and remake you, remold you, and reshape you into what He created you to be all along. He has a plan for you. He has a purpose for you. Most of all, He Loves You.
Be encouraged today friends. The Lord wants you to know this: “BEHOLD, AS THE CLAY IS IN THE POTTER’S HAND, SO ARE YOU IN MY HAND…” (Jeremiah 18:6 AMP)
Based On Faith.
Crystal G.H. Lowery, Esq. is a Christian Estate Planning Attorney and is the owner and founding attorney of Law Office Of Crystal G.H. Lowery, LLC. Based on Faith is an international organization that increases Biblical knowledge of faith within the body of Christ through comprehensive teaching, discussion of law, and the prophetic. Copyright 2022 ©, Crystal G.H. Lowery and Based on Faith. All Rights Reserved. Republished on January 11, 2022.